woensdag 10 juni 2015

Road to Maxing 5: 10 June 2015

Road to Maxing 5: Getting 99 Range!

It's been some time since I have updated, I know... Been busy with school, exam period is almost there. I was planning on updating earlier, but I've been quite busy with school, hosting events and getting 99 range.

Yes, you read that right, I got 99 Range! Finally! 2 down, 24 more to go!And finally a trimmed cape, I love it ^_^

After a lot of training, slayer, spending a few mil on the abyss, and grinding out waterfiends, last Sunday, so the 7th of June, I achieved the cape! For all my friends (and clanmates) who were there, I thank you a lot!

A beautiful spam by my clan leader in the picture, and a second later a ton of spam in my clan chat!
And I think one of my friends collected the arrow that got me the level, well, he can keep it ^_^

Other than range I have been busy with Slayer. I achieved both 70 attack and 70 strength on a desert stryke task, so my 70's cape is in! Up to 80's cape. Weeeelll, maybe, another time, not soon.

Currently my goals are getting 75 att and 75 mage, via slayer. Also I want to get 90 slay (so I can sell my slay tab again and get some mils to spend), and get the curses. That means I will be training combat and questing a ton in the upcoming time.

However, as exams start next week, I will be afk-ing quite a lot. Mostly this will be cutting crystal trees, to get closer to Cape #3. The times I won't be afk-ing, slay will be my top priority. I hope Morvran keeps asigning fun things, and not too much strykes, nechryaels and more of that sorts ^_^

Other news:
-x Adam x (previously Gaminq) was streaming KBD, which we were killing with three man. On the stream, I got a lootbeam, a beautiful pair of dragon rider boots! That was 800k each ^_^
-I went down to asc for some range training, and in two hours there, I managed to pick up 4 keys. Two quartus and two sextus.
-Tuska comes (WE3) is currently going on, and after getting Tuska's Wrath (lovely ability), I'm going for the Tuska WP armour. So soon I'll have those, and then I'm going down to DKS with a friend.


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