donderdag 7 mei 2015

Road to Maxing 2: 07 May 2015

Road to Maxing: 2000 total level, slayer, and more!

As I am writing this, I'm doing a dust devil slayer task. Kuradal wasn't the kindest today, earlier on I had a fire giant task... However, those two tasks are compensated by a steel dragon task. A dragon was so kind to leave me a dragon plateskirt. Later also one of its friends also left me a rune longsword, so that was a nice addition to my cash stack.

The reason for updating today, and not in the weekend, is that I gained my 2000th level today! At the end of my playing time yesterday, I gained my level 80 in mining, and I was on 1999 total level. So I went to some slayer, hoping range would be the 2000th level.

However, this was not the case, as 2,5k from the level, there was a Wbs. So I thought I'd do a quick wbs, the first one ever. After walking the wrong way (west instead of east), and backtracking some, I found the warband and I could loot 18 farming supplies. These handed in for a beautiful 40k xp, and a level 68 farm.

The past few days I've been working on trying to get my royal crossbow (I still haven't been able to brandish it, my luck :D). After about 9 or 10 deaths on Tuesday I gave up, and haven't returned since then, I'll try again soon enough ^_^.

Yesterday I spent most of my day down in the Living Rock Caverns, mining coal for hours on an end. After about 2,1k coal this brought me a nice level 80 in mining, meaning one quest point cape req less.

Today I spent my day slaying, starting with a desert stryke task, moving on to fire giants, steel dragons, and now a dust devil. Once I'm done with this task, I can finally get killing blows! Gargoyles, here I come!

With slaying, I got 91 Range, as well as 80 Slayer. The 91 Range also brought me to 119 combat. 

Since this weekend it's Dungeoneering Bonus Weekend, I'll be spending my time in Daemonheim, trying to obtain my Charming Imp. Since I'm only 43k tokens away, this wil probably be gained tomorrow or Saturday. The rest of the weekend I'll spend Slaying and finishing off the Road Trip.

From Monday onwards I'll be back to school, so wc-ing will then be my normal training. Good thing to do during classes and whilst making homework and studying! So if you want to find me in game, search near the ivy's in the Crwys area of Prifdinnas!

Also, feel free to join my fc at Asana, I'll be in there most of the time!


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